Tutorials and Technical Briefings

The tutorials and technical briefings CFP is here

Date (2015)
January 28 Submission
February 16 Notification
February 27 Camera-ready
May 16-17 Conference


Goal and Scope

MOBILESoft Tutorials and Technical Briefings enable industry and academic researchers to share their ideas and work and learn about the state of the art and practice in Mobile Software Engineering.
Tutorials are scheduled for half‐day and include comprehensive presentations on well‐established topics, which may include hands‐on exercises on using various software engineering tools. While tutorials go into considerable depth, technical briefings are 90-minute quick overviews of interesting emerging topics with a concentration on fundamentals and projection about the future of these topics.

Submission Instructions

To submit a tutorial proposal or a technical briefing, provide the following information:
• Title and indication of whether this submission is a tutorial or a technical briefing.
• Presenter(s), affiliation(s), contact information, and URL of personal homepage.
• Up to 3-page description including the objectives, topics to be covered, presentation approach, target audience, prerequisite knowledge, presenters’ experience, and if the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e. which conference), date, and number of attendees. If possible, include links to relevant material on which the tutorial is based.
• 1-2 paragraph abstract suitable for tutorial publicity.
• 1 paragraph biography of each presenter, suitable for tutorial publicity.

Submission Process

Your submission must conform to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines using ICSE 2015 “Technical Briefings” template (http://2015.icse-conferences.org/submission-guidelines).

Submit your proposal in adobe PDF by email at:
amiramy at-symbol tau dot ac dot il
aharona at-symbol il dot ibm dot com

An abstract of accepted Tutorials and Technical Briefings will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in both ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library. Selected Tutorial and Technical Briefing presenters will receive free registration for their Tutorials session or Technical Briefings session only. There is no support for travel and lodging from ICSE.