New Ideas track

Important date (2017)
January 20, 24:00 AoE Submission deadline
February 18 Notification
February 25 Camera-ready
May 22-23 Conference

MOBILESoft 2017 also invites submissions for a “New Ideas” track. This track is not considered a “second tier” of MOBILESoft but rather an alternative track for fledgling or unconventional ideas. These may include: preliminary results that call into question long held beliefs or conventions; bold visions of new directions in mobile software engineering and systems; novel (and potentially groundbreaking) interdisciplinary synergies; and, more in general, “big” ideas for our emerging community of software engineering for mobile systems. New Ideas submissions should not exceed four (4) pages, with one additional page only for references, and should be submitted according to all of the requirements (including deadlines) of MOBILESoft 2017.

Formatting and Submission Instructions

All papers must conform, at time of submission, to the ACM Formatting Guidelines (LaTeX users, please use the “Option 2” style). All submissions must be in PDF format and use US Letter page format. Accepted papers will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library.

Submit via Easy Chair:


At least one author of an accepted contribution is required to register, present the work, and participate during the discussions at the forum. Accepted papers will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library.

Track co-chairs: Christine Julien and Mirco Musolesi

Additional Information

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the New Ideas Track Co-chairs (Christine Julien and Mirco Musolesi) at

Program committee members

PC Member name Affiliation, Country
Qi Han Colorado School of Mines, USA
Romain Rouvoy University of Lille, France
Eli Tilevich Virginia Tech, USA
Xi Zheng Deakin University, Australia
Tommi Mikkonen Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Abhinav Mehrotra UCL/Birmingham, UK
Petteri Nurmi University of Helsinki, Finland
Gian Pietro Picco University of Trento, Italy
Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh, UK
Valerie Issarny INRIA, France
Veljko Pejovic University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain