May 22-23, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – Co-located with ICSE 2017 May 20-28

NEWS (12/06/2017):
Congratulations to the winners of the MOBILESoft 2017 best paper award: Ivano Malavolta, Giuseppe Procaccianti, Paul Noorland and Petar Vukmirovic with the paper “Assessing the Impact of Service Workers on the Energy Efficiency of Progressive Web Apps”!
The MobileSoft 2017 Student Research Competition is accepting entries until March 30. The competition is an internationally recognized venue that enables undergraduate and graduate students to experience the research world, share their research results with other students and MobileSoft attendees, and compete for prizes. More details here.
MOBILESoft cordially invites contributions related to all aspects of mobile software engineering!
Please register to the new MOBILESoft Facebook Group
In recent years, the massive increase in the use of mobile applications has greatly influenced the way people go about their daily life. The number of available mobile applications has grown enormously since the establishment of app stores and marketplaces that enable users to download and seamlessly install apps. Mobile platforms are rapidly changing and include diverse capabilities such as GPS, cameras, several wireless communications (WLAN, 4G, RFID etc), a variety of on-device memory and disk capacities, and various sensors.
Innovative mobile services and exciting mobile applications are emerging as a result of the ingenious use of these technologies. Consequently, the development of mobile applications has also been growing at a fast pace, presenting new challenges to Software Engineering. Developing versatile and robust mobile applications requires formally grounded methods, as well as advanced practices and tools.
MOBILESoft provides a working conference-style forum for the discussion and presentation of innovative contributions to the research and practice of the design, development, validation, execution, and evolution of mobile applications.
MOBILESoft 2017 comprises four main tracks:
– technical papers,
– new ideas,
– tool demos and mobile apps,
– student research competition.
Topics of Interest (common to all tracks)
We solicit contributions related to mobile software engineering, including but not limited to the following topics:
– Development environments and tools
– Testing, maintenance, verification, and evolution
– Patterns, frameworks, and product lines
– Refactoring, restructuring, and renovation
– Program transformation and optimization
– Empirical studies and metrics
– User experience and new input devices
– Hybrid versus native applications
– Agile or model-driven development
– Application and system security
– Cloud support and scalability
– Static and dynamic analysis
– Debugging techniques and tools
– Programming languages
– Mobile programming and software engineering education and training
– The role of mobile in the context of the Internet of Things
– Mobile apps connected to wearable devices
– Industrial experience reports
Date: May 22-23 (Monday-Tuesday) 2017 – Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Co-located with ICSE 2017 May 20-28 –